About us
Hello, we're the time voyagers, we come from different times and places but we all united to create this blog. Oh and if you're worried about the fact that we could be kept ostage by our english teacher, don't worry, we're all fine... exept the web dev who's forced to write this paragraph with a gun pointed at his head.Meet the team!
I'm a french student at Polytech Nantes, I'm 20 years old. I developped this blog for my english class. I'm a big fan of Doctor Who, Back to The Future and a Minecraft player.
Howdy there. As well as my peers, I'm a student at Polytech Nantes. My primary interests revolve around video games-I'm-quickly-obsessed-with, nuggies, overcramming, and Reddit4thememz.
I'm a 19 years old french and student at an engineering school. Did you know they used to call me the Pizza Boy back in high-school ?
I'm a lonely whale traveling through the timeline and the world.